My name is Bibi Allí, I was born in Guyana on November 10, 1960 in the bosom of a family of 5 sisters and 2 brothers. Life in Guyana was very poor. My parents worked hard; My father soon fell into alcoholism and then ended up in suicide.
My mother then had 7 daughters to raise. He started working as a service in family homes. I am the eldest of all my brothers, I always hoped to change the life of my family. At 14 I started selling mangoes, coconutsynthesis essay thesis candy to use the money to buy food and the basic enerves for the home.
In the year 1976, Guyana citizens are involved in serious political problems. The government changes from a democrat state and days of social revolt come. Then the food and fruits begin to be lacking. The importation is finished. Many families begin to divide, the migration begins. My mother worked cleaning a family house, where a Venezuelan lady was staying for vacation, and she offered to bring her to live and work in Venezuela. My mother, I do not accept; Instead he gave me his custody and allowed me to go to that country.
I worked as a service girl; Until my second adoptive family Mr. Alcaya Abreu in the city of Valencia, helped me and supported my Academic training. I learned hairdressing and stylist courses at the INCES Institute. In parallel I took care of his 6 year old daughter “Blanca” being her nanny for many years. Then I got married and I became independent. With my husband I had 2 Venezuelan children and a beautiful house in Parque Valencia – Edo. Carabobo.
Years later I emigrated to the United States and stayed in Brooklyn – New York for 4 years, where I worked for many years in my own hairdressing business as a stylist. My husband did not follow me and at 4 we divorced and took my 2 children with me.
I was beginning a new stage in my life.
A wonderful Life, where I spent part of my time as a volunteer in different NGOs – Foundations in America helps to eradicate poverty, to empower women to develop on their own so that they can raise children who achieve a better future.
It was after living these experiences that I decided to start a Foundation of aid to Venezuela; The homeland that received me when I needed refuge as Guyanesa exiled.
Today we founded “Culture of Blessings” in this country that I carry in my heart a deep gratitude and a very special love. We will plant every corner of every rural home with hope and joy and God will fill us with blessings so that there is no lack of food, fishing and food in those homes.
The Foundation
Formulate, Coordinate and Evaluate strategies that promote the competitive, equitable and sustainable development of agricultural, fishery and rural development processes, with criteria of decentralization, coordination and participation, that contribute to improve the level and quality of life of the population existing.
Initiate leadership in the formulation, management and coordination with agricultural, fisheries and rural self-management for rural social development, with a decentralized, concerted and participatory implementation that promotes food security with sustainable development in the short, medium and long term.